Winter and summer, enjoy outdoor activities for the whole family !
With it sublime LEED-certified reception building, the centre écologique Fernand-Seguin now ranks as a top-quality destination for outdoor recreation. Its noble and distinctive tree species contribute to making this 65-hectare forest a highly valuable ecological site. Included in Châteauguay’s network of parks, the area is one of the most visited parks in the region. Access is free at all times as are some of the activities offered. Héritage Saint-Bernard has the mandate to manage and protect the ecology centre.
Bien qu’en tout temps cinq kilomètres de sentiers de randonnée pédestre soient accessibles gratuitement, le centre écologique est spécialement populaire durant la période hivernale, alors que 10 kilomètres de sentiers de ski de fond, quatre kilomètres de raquette et deux kilomètres de marche y sont offerts, en plus d’une butte à glisser.
257, rue Fernand-Seguin
Châteauguay, Québec
J6K 0K3
General information
450 698-3133
Protection of personal information
Nadine Lelièvre