In small groups, learn the right sliding techniques to familiarize yourself with this sport. You will appreciate more the joys of cross-country skiing and will be able to enjoy all its benefits in complete safety!
In the program :
Learn how to get up easily after a fall, master the alternating step, practice going up and down a slope. Your guide will take advantage of the training to correct some missteps and give you the right techniques to make your glide easier.
Au centre écologique Fernand-Seguin. L’instructeur attendra les participants à l’entrée du chalet.
Sessions for adults (13 years and older) and sessions for children aged between 8 and 12 are planned. Take care to confirm the information when booking.
The initiation to cross-country skiing workshop takes place from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Plan to arrive 30 minutes early if you are renting equipment.
25,50 $ plus taxes par participant (29,33 $)
No refunds for the activity within 24 hours' notice
450 698-3133
257, rue Fernand-Seguin
Châteauguay, Québec
J6K 0K3
General information
450 698-3133
Protection of personal information
Nadine Lelièvre
Le mardi 18 février
Les équipes travaillent fort sur le terrain pour ouvrir une partie des sentiers. Le chalet est ouvert de 9h à 17h.
Consultez les conditions des sentiers pour tous les détails sur l’état des pistes et de la butte à glisser.
Bonne journée et soyez prudents!